Monday, July 27, 2009

jump right in...

Happy Monday everyone! The weekend seems to fly by so fast. This one proved to be hot and humid, a good one for water fun and outdoor activities.

Ava convinced me that we don't need a built in pool to have fun! She can spend hours doing this. Where do they get their energy from?

Sanatana wants to know if this is a pool or is it a water fountain! He decided it's more fun to drink the water than to play in it!

The spray park and the beach are family favorites. Santana loved looking out at the boats in the water. How cute is he in his fancy swim trunks! I think this is one of my favorite summer photos so far.

Ava loves using her artisit skills with a bit of sidewalk chalk, a nice quiet activity when the day is winding done.

These are the moments we treasure...the little things that really matter.

Monday, July 20, 2009


Happy Monday everyone!

I had a nice weekend in Callicoon PA at Wally's house. We drove up early Saturday morning. The weather was picture perfect. On the way up we took a different route, than we normally do and drove through Hawks Nest, along the Delaware River. What an amazing view of the River.

There are such amazing Natural Wonders all around us, we just have to stop and enjoy them.

We did some chores around the house and than enjoyed the rivierside beauty. I took a nice walk into town, truely small town USA!


I took lots of photos along the way creating my own photo walking tour.
The evening was nice, warm, breezy and pleasant. We sat outside until it got too dark and watched a pair of young deer roaming the property. They are such beautiful creatures.


Sunday was another sunny day, the kind with the big white puffy clouds floating by every now and then. I spent some time reading outside, catching some rays and watching somemore deer.

Monday is back to the real world of work and chores....but that's what weekends are for, a break and some rest and relaxation

Thursday, July 9, 2009

first post

i finally decided to join the world of bloggers. i am a blog follower, so i thought, "why not create my own?" i hope to share my creative adventures as well as our daily journeys with you through my blog.

with the first full week of july almost over, everyone is getting into the swing of summer fun. ava is loving swimming lessons at the town pool, while santana is so happy taking rides in his little blue car. the rest of us are busy working and trying to enjoy as much summer fun as we can.

thanks for visiting!