Monday, October 26, 2009

this week

has been busy and hectic. we are still house hunting and our house is on the market. i've learned that both of these can be very stressful.

meanwhile santana is finding new ways to get into trouble.


but his big smile makes up for it.


ava has been teaching him how to use the computer and as long as the backyardigans are on it, he is happy!

bear is still not feeling his best, but he hasn't let it stand in the way of the love he gives to me everyday. he's not too sure about all of the strangers that i've been letting in to look at our house, but he's been as polite as possible, always watching.


i can't believe that halloween is just a few days away! time just flies by!

1 comment:

  1. I like pets and mostly dogs. One thing is that they are very patient and they love their owner with complete honesty. There is nothing that can come in their way. I can see the curious look on Bear's face.

